
Isu Rasisme Sebagai Tantangan Masa Depan

Rasisme Sebagai Tantangan Masa Depan #OSKMITB2020     Rasisme dapat diartikan sebagai kumpulan ide-ide pemikiran dan kepercayaan yang memiliki potensi untuk membentuk prasangka buruk yang membawa pada perilaku negatif akan kelompok masyarakat tertentu. Rasisme sudah ada sejak lama dan dapat terjadi di mana saja, baik di negara berkembang maupun negara maju. Tentunya dengan adanya rasisme akan berdampak negatif pada masyarakat, negara, dan dunia. Dengan hal itu, isu ini merupakan salah satu tantangan masa depan yang sedang dan akan kita hadapi. Pada kesempatan kali ini, kita akan melihat rasisme menggunakan konsep VUCA.     Apa itu VUCA?        Berikut penjelasan singkat mengenai VUCA itu sendiri. Rasisme dengan Konsep VUCA Volitiality;     Isu rasisme dapat terjadi kapan saja, dimana saja, dan tidak dapat diprediksi kapan akan berkurang atau bahkan berakhirnya isu ini. Uncertainty;     Rasisme merupakan salah satu isu yang sulit untuk diselesaikan karena untuk mencari akar pemikirannya

Menuju Indonesia Emas 2045

Menuju Indonesia Emas 2045  #OSKMITB2020 x by. U     Indonesia Emas pada tahun 2045 memiliki arti bahwa pada tahun 2045 mendatang, usia produktif akan jauh lebih banyak dbandingkan usia tidak produktif. Jumlah penduduk berkualitas yang besar akan menjadi aset bangsa. Indonesia akan semakin mengukuhkan posisi berdaulat, maju, adil, dan makmur. Pada tahun 2045, Indonesia akan menghadapi 10 perubahan besar tingkat global.     Adapun empat pilar pembangunan untuk mempersiapkannya, yaitu pmebangunan manusia dan penguasaan IPTEK, pembangunan ekonomi yang berkelanjutan, pemerataan pembangunan, serta ketahanan nasional dan tata kelola pemerintahan. Dengan itu, hal ini akan menjadi sebuah tantangan untuk kita semua. Perkembangan ini akan menuntut masyarakat untuk mampu bersaing dengan dunia internasional dan terus berinovasi.      Sebagai salah satu generasi muda penerus bangsa, tentunya saya memahami bahwa peran tersebut harus bisa saya maksimalkan dan manfaatkan sebaik mungkin untuk menghadap

Natural Phenomena

Pink -Purple Sky At Sunset The colors of the sunset result from a phenomenon called scattering, says Steven Ackerman, professor of meteorology at UW-Madison. Molecules and small particles in the atmosphere change the direction of light rays, causing them to scatter. Scattering affects the color of light coming from the sky, but the details are determined by the wavelength of the light and the size of the particle. The short-wavelength blue and violet are scattered by molecules in the air much more than other colors of the spectrum. This is why blue and violet light reaches our eyes from all directions on a clear day. But because we can't see violet very well, the sky appears blue. Scattering also explains the colors of the sunrise and sunset, Ackerman says. “Because the sun is low on the horizon, sunlight passes through more air at sunset and sunrise than during the day, when the sun is higher in the sky. More atmosphere means more molecules to scatter the violet

Tur Budaya

Hello everyone! I wanna share about my experience with my friends in Bali. In 17th March 2019, my school was having a cultural tour to Bali for all of the eleventh grade student. We went to Bali by airplanes and went home by the train. Me and my friends was in the third group, so we were having a flight around 1pm and arrived in Bali at 5pm. The first destination was Jimbaran Beach. It was supposed to be Tanah Lot, but because we arrived at 5pm, we changed the schedule.In Jimbaran, We have some free time to take pictures and play in the beach and around 6pm we were having dinner. We doesn't took a long time there because there was a rain back then. We were staying in Quest Hotel, Denpasar. The second day, our destinations were Tanjung Benoa, Pudjamandala, Pantai Pandawa, Garuda Wisnu Kencana, and Devdan Theathre. In Tanjung Benoa there were a lot of watersport activity like banana boat, donut boat, snorkling, etc. Me and my friends weren't playing watersport. We went to t

Recommendation Letter For My Friend

Hello! Right now i'm gonna write a recommendation letter for my friend to complete the task that i got from my lovely teacher, Ms. Wiwin. April, 5th 2019 College Scholarship Program University of California 90095 California Los Angeles To Whom It May Concern: It is an honor for me to write this letter of recommendation for Safina Pratiwi, a student from Bandung, 3 Senior High School who is applying for the scholarship program that you offered. I am Safina's chairmate in high school and we have been best friends for 3 years. As i got to know her better, i realize that she is a kind hearted person and also a hard working person. She pays attention to the others around her nicely. She really like to help others when they are having a hard time. She is also a calm person who can control herself in any kind of situation. Beside the good personality she has, she is also a dilligent, hard working person. A bunch of assignments can be done quickly by her. Not only dilli

Edu Passion 2019

Hello! Today i want to tell you about an event at my school, SMAN 3 Bandung, called Edu Passion. Edu Passion is an event where there were a lot of universities or workshop program visit our school so we can get a lot of information. It's not only the universities in Bandung but also from around the world. They were promoting their programs and gave us a lot of information about where we want to study next after high school. The event held on 24th January 2019. Unfortunately, at that day, i was absence because i had to visit the doctor (i was having a conjunctivitis, an eye disease). But, i still got some information from my friends. Edu Passion was having Ridwan Kamil for the opening. It started at 9 am. There were a lot of stands of many kind of universities and other study programs. When you visited one of the stand, they will explain to you what they have, and promote it to you by giving some brochure, totebags, or even a study program coupons. There were also an explanation

Bakti Desa

Hello everyone! Right now, i wanna share about the Bakti Desa activity. So, basically it's an activity from SMAN 3 Bandung where we visit a village and help the people who live there. This activity must be attended by all of the eleventh grade student. Unfortunately, when this activity was held on, i couldn't attended it because i was sick and my doctor doesn't allow me to participate it. So, i got a task to visit an orphanage. I went to an orphanage near my house in 12th January 2019, after i got well from the sickness. The orphanage called Panti Asuhan Ash-Habul Kahfi. It's located in Jalan Peta IV, Gatot Subroto, Bandung. It's a small orphanage that ruled by a teacher of reading Quran named, Ibu Ody. The building looks like an ordinary house and lived by 12 kids (orphans) only. But of all, Ibu Ody teaches 85 kids (orphans) in Yayasan Darul Hidayah. All of the kids are in elementary school. When i visited the Yayasan Darul Hidayah, the buildings seems a litt